Highest and Best Use (HABU)
September 17, 2018
What Is ‘Uniquely Yours’ as a Leader?
September 26, 2018September 24, 2018
By Robert Pope
Delegating tasks to other people is something that I have learned to enjoy immensely!!! Why is that? There are many reasons but the one I will concentrate on today is the fact that the recipients of the responsibilities gain so much when we delegate.
Think of when you were eager and hungry (for some of you that is true right now) and how you looked forward to having someone hand you a challenge……
When we hire right, we hire hungry ones. They want to grow and learn every single day. Once the right staff is seated on the bus and they have been reading and learning to raise their game, it is up to us to give them the opportunity to put their learnings into practice.
As our Nexus team has developed and matured, their ability to receive tasks has catapulted. With each success, confidence rises and skills take another step upward which makes the overall team that much more successful. Senior people are able to raise their games because they are not being tethered with the same tasks they were performing two years ago.
What happens if we don’t delegate?
1. Stagnation will occur. The delegator will stagnate and those that report to him/her will stagnate.
2. The best will head toward the exit to find a new organization that will delegate to them.
“Failures” will occur during this process. New responsibilities do increase risk. Provide mentoring as they advance. Don’t turn things into a do-or-die scenario. Help them learn from those “failures.” Encourage them to pick up the ball again. Have them explain what they could have done differently.
Today’s challenge: Pick one person today to increase the amount of delegation. Enrich their life!!!