False Harmony
September 10, 2018
September 24, 2018September 17, 2018
By Robert Pope
The concept of HABU is one that is incredibly liberating for someone that is in my stage of life. About six years ago, I made a decision to get serious about determining my HABU.
What is HABU? It stands for Highest and Best Use. What are the activities that I do that only I can do? If there are things that others can do, it is good to delegate those activities so I can concentrate on the areas in which I bring the greatest value.
My HABU centers on quality relationships. I am energized by one-on-one meetings over a cup of coffee or a bowl of soup in meaningful conversation. The topic is often centered on their career path or other important life decisions.
I realize that some of you don’t have as much flexibility to pick your key areas so freely. However, you are more empowered than you realize. By clarifying your HABU, you will make wiser career choices. Secondly, you always have your personal time to explore and advance your HABU. That can open up more professional opportunities.
At our annual team meeting last month, we provided input to each one of our colleagues on the following statement: “You are most influential and operate with the highest value when you are doing ___________________________________” It was very powerful and meaningful for everyone!
1. What is your HABU? Asking trusted friends/colleagues the question above can bring valuable insight and/or confirmation.
2. What is one action step you need to take this week to advance your HABU?