August 20, 2018
September 3, 2018August 27, 2018
By Robert Pope
This past weekend, our oldest granddaughter headed east to Minnesota for her first year of college. We are excited for her but it is tough to have her so many miles away now. Yes, I am biased, but she is one impressive gal. She has always taken her studies seriously and has worked hard to do well in school. One of the topics she and I discussed over the years was the difference between knowledge and wisdom.
What is wisdom? What is knowledge?
Defining knowledge is easy. It is “knowing stuff.” Wisdom can be a little bit tougher. She and I agreed that wisdom is knowing how to apply the “stuff” you have learned properly. Knowledge alone can be used and abused in many ways. The Cambridge dictionary gives a great definition of wisdom – “. the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments.”
When we talk about visiting someone with deep wisdom, we aren’t thinking of someone that spouts facts, but rather someone who has a much deeper level of understanding and insight.
As a society, we talk about knowledge a lot but wisdom doesn’t get much attention. Why is that?
Next time you are visiting with a teenager, ask them what the difference is between knowledge and wisdom.