September 24, 2018
Great Questions Part 1
October 8, 2018September 25, 2018
By Lorie Pope
As a leader, what changes in the room when you walk in? What do you bring that wasn’t there before, because it’s uniquely yours? Simple questions…yet delves right at the heart of leadership for each one of us.
Do you bring momentum to the table in a meeting with teammates or clients? Energy? Big picture strategy? Greenfield approach? Details to ensure accuracy? Challenge solving techniques? We all bring different gifts and talents.
What are your team-mates counting on you to show up with to make it a better meeting? Do you bring clarity through direction? Or the big picture with momentum? What do you bring to the table that would disappoint the rest of the group if you didn’t show up?
When I started pondering these questions a few years ago, it had a profound effect on my leadership journey and how I show up as leader. Why? Because all the questions point to “Do you know what value you bring as a leader that is uniquely yours?”
It really hit me…this is the DNA of leadership…knowing who you are and what you bring. Did I know? What would change if I had these defined more concretely? Yes, I’d read many books on leadership, reflected and applied principles to my daily life. Sometimes it seemed very overwhelming to read about all the qualities that were needed to be an effective leader. What was the key to customizing my leadership with vision and clarity?
After a lot of reflection, I realized that I was really looking for a leadership statement. Subsequently, looking strategically, I applied this to myself and our Nexus team so we could go to a higher level with leadership.
The result? Focused and impactful leadership that showed up everywhere to make a difference. Leaders who know their uniqueness and operate in it throughout the day in meetings, project work and relationships operate at a higher level.
Let’s look at ways to define, identify and build around “what is uniquely yours as a leader?” Here are ways I’ve found very effective:
- Take a DiSC Leadership Profile or Strengths Finder Assessment.
- Do a small group exercise with your inner circle: “You are most influential and operate with highest value when…”
We’ve done this at Nexus, and it’s very powerful. Each person is told by the rest of the team the ways they bring high value. Or ask trusted co-workers/friends.
Here are some leadership statements that have come out of digging deeper:
- “An authentic caring leader who builds long-term trust relationships by discernment with insights to bring results.”
- “Quiet strength leadership that brings the ability to calmly solve chaotic problems.”
- “A trail-blazing leader that opens up a path of opportunities with conviction and determination so others can go forward with success.”
Reflect on the following questions:
- What do you bring that is uniquely yours as a leader?
- How do you show up with leadership each day in meetings? One on one’s?
- What is your leadership statement?
Each of us has tremendous gifts and value to serve others. Know who you are and show up with it!