Leading with the Heart
March 28, 2020
Leading from the Heart with Hope
April 17, 2020April 6, 2020
By Lorie Pope
I’ve talked a lot about the power of ‘focus’ in a person’s life, and the ways it then shows up. Someone recently shared with me that they decided to select three words of focus for each day in order to make sure their life is intentional. With three children now at home, homeschooling, and a spouse working from home…life had become very chaotic. This has helped rally the family toward a common goal. For them, it’s CREATE, CONNECT and CLEAN.
So, I’m thinking we’ll focus on the following words as a family for the next week. Since I like to have variety, I may switch it up in the next few weeks.
CONNECT (Relationships) – Reach out to others. Have Easter as a family with all meeting on Teams or Zoom.
CREATE – If I look at working or cleaning as “creating,” it assumes a whole different meaning and mood.
INTENTIONAL MOMENTS (yep, broke that “C” mold) – Ordinary moments become extraordinary.
1.What are two or three words you can choose to provide focus and direction for yourself? For your family?
2. Where are some areas you can be creative…today? Tip: Apply it to something that needs to get done and has been a source of procrastination.
- I’m going to apply it to organizing our storeroom. It’s beyond a mess. I am thinking about creatively use category words for sorting through, as it will become much more fun.
- Memory material – from grade school, horse-riding days, etc.
- Essential to keep – Why?
- Donations
- Pass on to someone else – Who?
- I’m going to apply it to organizing our storeroom. It’s beyond a mess. I am thinking about creatively use category words for sorting through, as it will become much more fun.
3. Where do you need to shift your focus right now?
- Does your attitude need to shift?
- Do you need to shift from big picture to details or details to big picture?
- Do your priorities need to shift?
Have a “FOCUSED” week.